Health & Wellness

The Health and Wellness Committee serves the parish by supporting the parish nurse program and its healing ministry. The committee assists in determining the health and wellness needs and priorities of the parish, assists in planning and developing educational programs and health related activities, assists the parish nurse and provides support for health screenings, programs and activities sponsored by the committee.

To contact our Faith Community Nurse please call 444-3524.  If it is an emergency, please call 911.

Connie Wilcosky, RN, BSN, MBA

"I have been a nurse for 32 years. My clinical nursing experience includes Neonatal Intensive Care, Pediatric Intensive Care and Homecare. I also had the opportunity to work as a nurse in an NICU when we lived in England. I currently work for a Quality Improvement Organization. I have been married for 27 years to Tom, and we have lived in Washington for 17 years. We have 4 children and 1 grandchild.  I completed the Faith Community Nursing Coursework in Feb 2016; I am looking forward to the opportunity to share my time, talent and passion for wellness, advocacy and integrating spirituality into the nursing process."


If you would like to join our Health & Wellness Team, please contact the Parish Office.